1. The subject matter of my blog is being a Working Mom, and other adventures in real life. Mostly because that is what I am; a working mom. I am a 30 something, single but not, mom of three kids. I also run a business. I have a lot of opinions about being a working mom, ones I have over time gladly shared and inadvertently offended people with. I have read time and time again what a personal decision it is to work or stay at home. It isn't my intention to make anyone mad, but I see a lot of blogs, etc. devoted to explaining the deeply personal and fulfilling choice to be a SAHM. It is always refreshing to see ones that work in reverse.
          I have worked full time since I was 17. One Mother's Day, I received a speeding ticket and my mom did not think that was an appropriate gift. So I was told to get a job and pay my ticket, thus leading to my real world wake up call-work for what you want, take care of your responsibilities. When my kids get old enough to incur such expenses-what am I talking about? The world is expensive; even, and especially for, preteen girls. Ok, so guess I better start teaching them this now-working hard pays off. And pays for things-bills, and wants. 
          I had to get that first job, but it ended up buying me a car, a phone, some nice clothes, all the things a 17 year old needed money for then. As I got a little older, it paid for me to go to college, go on some fun trips with my friends, and eventually get my own apartment. I never felt like I HAD to have a job but didn't want one-a job always seemed to ensure I had the things I wanted, because as one child out of five, you got those things if you could pay for them yourself. I learned about work ethic and responsibility at the same time that I was learning how money makes the world go 'round. My big, fat minimum wage paycheck made me a winner-in my own eyes, anyway.
         When I got pregnant with my first child, it never occurred to me that I wouldn't work. I had to pay the bills, sure. But I also had to make sure she had super-cute clothes and that I was still able to maintain my standard of living(buying the latest book I had been eyeing and going out to eat once a week somewhere decent-BIG SPENDER ALERT!) I had just been promoted at work, and was excited to start that new venture. It simply never struck me that I needed to make a decision about whether to work or not.
          Fast forward 10 years. I have been promoted again several times. I support my kids comfortably on my income. I am in no way wealthy, but I no longer live paycheck to paycheck. I have worked hard, and have dedicated my skills and mind to a job that has paid me back in spades. Sure, there are days I don't love my job, and days like today that I am grateful for a vacation to spend unlimited time with my children. But I have never, not even once, questioned whether I would work or not. Just as in some women it is necessary to stay at home, working is as much a necessity in my life as breathing. I don't apologize for it, don't feel guilty about it, and certainly do not intend to change it. My kids are pretty awesome, and I love every single minute we are together. Some people say that by staying home, you are able to teach your kids values and morals you may not have the time to otherwise. I think if I'm showing my kids you can work hard, be successful, and still have a wonderful family life, then I am doing something equally valuable.
          If you, reader, stay with me, you can hear about our life. Sometimes it will be boring. Sometimes you may want to say, why are you even writing this? But maybe somedays, I will make you laugh or at least make you say, well at least my life is more fun than that! Who knows? All I know is that this is an adventure-so stay tuned!


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  2. When I was a kid, I always wanted to be an author. Not just a writer, but an "author". I would write to my heart's content, stories only a mother could love. Then I got older and wrote "stories" I made my best friend read during Geometry class, sordid tales about our hot Geography teacher. I don't know if they were any good, but neither one of us aced the class, so they were at least more entertaining than acute triangles(wait, was that Geometry?) Fast forward some years, and I am not an author(yet). Who knows? Maybe this blog will lead to the next bestseller. (More likely, it will lead to once again distracting my best friend from something more constructive. Though I haven't used Geometry today, but I did start this blog, so...)

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